Games played to date

Just a note to anyone passing - this is a vague count of the games played the Exmouth club this year, to give a flavour of what we'll play: anything. The "others" includes GASLIGHT, Frag, Shockforce etc...

WFB - 33
Others - 11
BFG - 10
WW2 - 9
Epic - 7
WH 40K - 6
Necromunda - 5
Mexican American War - 5
Warmaster Fantasy - 5
Hordes - 4
FPW - 3
Martian Empires - 3
LOTR - 2
ACW - 2
Naval - 2
IKWM - 2
WHQ - 2
Dba - 2
Aeronef - 2
Horse & Musket - 2
D&D - 2
WAB - 1
VE - 1
Napoleonic - 1
Frag - 1
Gladiator - 1
