Debrief for 11 March 2009

After last week's disaster of having an entire evening of nothing but historical games (and you can't blame me cos I wasn't even there!), incredibly muscled characters with the blasters, unfeasibly large swords and black body armour were once again seen advancing through the woods.

However, the historicals were again out in force with this American Civil War scenario that cleverly re-staged a version of the Battle of Chancellorsville in which the Union forces deploy on the terrain initially set up and then the Umpire changes the terrain leaving the Union flank in the air and vulnerable to the Confederate attack.

Union formations are caught facing the wrong way when the Confederates arrive - typical shabby Rebel trick!

The Close Quarter Battle games continue to develop with the addition of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle and heavy weapons for the Insurgents. Here, the Insurgent Commander faces off against the 25mm Chain Gun, 7.62mm Machine Gun and TOW Missiles of the Bradley - with his Megaphone (I Keel You!!).

We hopefully have a French guest, so:

Napoleonic!: Myself, Chris, Andrew and Brett.
There was an almost overwhelming temptation to do Agincourt AND Trafalgar as well, but the other games will be:

Hordes: James and trainset.
Future War Commander: Rob and Mick.
Warhammer: Robin and Tom.
40K: Vince, Bradley, Bookmark and Tony.

Voyez-vous tout la semaine prochaine.
