Three games last night: In the 10mm Sudan the Fuzzies stole the firing pin from the Maxim, but the game looking like a tentative draw last I saw. In D & D it looks like my scrawled note says Robin got beaver. Maybe that says berries. Either way D & D has changed since I last played it. On the Memoir 44 table Beef and I played an Arnhem scenario. From the forces arrayed it looked an easy task for the Germans. Having played the game twice, swapping sides, it clearly was anything but easy for the Germans, as they lost both times. Next Weeks Games: VBCW - James, Mick, Brett, Roddy, Robin and Trainset don suits and hats to fight over 1930's Britain, to Mick's amended FUBAR. I say, steady on chaps, we are British. Warhamster- Rob, Dave and Knuckles fight it out in a period TBC. WOW ? - Vince, Bradley, Andy B and any casuals probably fling themselves about like knights of the air in my new SE5a's. AOB - The Model shop on Albion Hill will stock a full range of GW paints from Monday. If you fancy anything else pay Leigh a visit, he doesn't bite. What he doesn't bite I can't say. Legionary - James reported all is well and we now have 19 participation and demo games. Just as well we are in a very big shed at the cattle market ! AGM - Andy B asked members to begin thinking of agenda items for this year. What we want to buy, who is standing for what posts, what we should change etc This Weeks Quote: "That's Vietnam music. Can't we get our own music ?"