Games for 12th May 2011

In the Wars of the Roses game the Lancastrians learnt NEVER to listen to Rob. He's not right in the head you know !

On the Pirates table it was everyone versus the undead. Everyone lost then.

Magic - Was supposed to be Epic, but Robin said he would prefer to slit his throat, so he played Magic instead. The knife would have been kinder.

Next week we have:

D & D - Andy G leads the brave party of Bookmarc, Brett, Trainset, Robin and James up a few garden paths.

WW2 (Not the whole thing, just part of it I think) - Dave, Rob and Bill

VBCW - Mick, Bradley & Vince

AOB - Legionary set up times discussed.

Last Week's Quote:

Star Wars Part the fourth.

This Week's Quote:

"no one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts. This you can trust."
