Games for Halloween

This week's eclectic offerings saw Robin voodoo his dice in WW2, Tom Mk III teach James Mk 2 that actually Space Marines know quite a lot of fear when fighting Necrons, and Bradley and I reach the end of turn 3 in Epic and agree a gentlemanly draw.

Next week is All Hallows Eve.  In the spirit of this; the Roleplayers will be sorting out characters for Glencon; Mick will bring something spooky; Taff will bring something spookily like Memoir 44; and the Rick Priestly Fan Club will play Flames of War (for shame!)

Answer for last weeks question was Batman.  Although if we include animated films then it's somewhat more.  This week for lack of anything more original  - 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon.  Your target is Bela Lugosi.  Go.
